Solstice Dispatch Service
Monday, December 19, 2022
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
It's 2022 and It's Time!
We are once again open to receiving your mail-in letters to the Holly King or the Oak King (or whomever!), so it's time to get reflective and share your hopes, dreams, and magic with the Solstice Kings!
You can send your Solstice correspondence to:
c/o The Solstice Dispatch Service
11397 County Rd. 3,
Inkerman, ON, K0E 1J0
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Rise to the Coming Dawn
The night air was crisp and he could feel the end of his beard stiffening in the night wind. The stars slowly dotted the ever darkening dusk sky as the light of another day disappeared beyond the mountains. The Holly King breathed in the cold air and shivered. His time was drawing nigh and the cold settled in his bones, despite the warmth of his cloak.
The stillness of the dark was disrupted by a slow metallic creak, and then the cold crunch of boots on fresh snow. Wisps of smoke wafted before his eyes and he could smell the cinnamon and sweet highlights of the Oak King's pipe tobacco. The two men stood together silently for a time, each wondering who would speak their thoughts first.
"Nice night," rumbled the husky voice of the Oak King.
"'Tis," replied his brother. His voice was softer, but still carried the weight of endless dark nights and forgotten years.
"It's been a dark and difficult couple of years. So many people have traveled to the Summerlands, seemingly before their time." Both men sighed through their sorrow.
"And yet, hope continues to rise with the coming dawn." The Holly King gripped his brother's shoulder with a gnarled hand. "It's time for the Oak King to lead the people out of the dark and into the light."
The Oak King reached out to take the ancient staff from his brother. "Yes. I'm ready to walk with them again." He admired the endless knots and swirls in this wood grain, and yet they all felt smooth to his touch. "They never cease to inspire me, our people. Faced with this incredible challenge, they met it with grit in their courage, grace in their grief, and compassion in their character."
"Their generosity of spirit is what amazes me," mused the Holly King. "Even as the darkness threatened to consume them, they reached out to each other to share their light."
"Do you think we will hear from them this year?" asked the Oak King. "I do so enjoy the beautiful art they create."
"If the Gods will it, we surely will. Have the Postal Elves found a suitable location for the mystical mailbox?"
"WE HAVE!" squeaked a dozen shrill voices.
The sudden shriek shattered the silence of the evening so badly that both men practically lept into each other's arms. The ice patch that hid itself beneath their feet sent their sense of balance in different directions and the Solstice Regents found themselves flat on their backs and covered in elves.
"Odin's Beard!" shouted the Oak King, struggling to sit up. "Where did you come from, you diminutive dimwits?"
"First Officer Buttons, at your service sir!" A tiny elf adorned in green and red stood at attention upon the belly of the Holly King. The Solstice King adjusted his crown with one hand and propped himself up with the other as the elves bounded away. He gently picked up Buttons the by the scruff and deposited him in the snow.
"What did I tell you about sneaking up on us like that?!" The Oak King angrily shook the snow out of his cloak and pulled himself to his feet.
"Erm... that we're the best at it?" Buttons grinned.
The Oak King shot a look at his brother who was chuckling beneath his beard and snarled "Report Buttons!"
"We have found the finest piece magical piece of property to host the mailbox! It literally hums with an ancient energy and bears the mark of the Gods. It's perfect!" The tiny elf squeed with delight. Everything is ready to receive the Solstice mail, we are only waiting upon your word."
Under the soft light of the rising moon, both Kings stood proud and beaming. They embraced heartily and laughed, "Indeed, my friends. It is time."
IT'S TIME FOR THE SOLSTICE DISPATCH SERVICE! It's been a rough year, but hope continues to rise throughout the world. We are once again offering the Solstice Dispatch Service so that you can send your greetings and well-wishes to the Oak King and the Holly King.
We are going back to the hand-written letter format and we have a NEW POSTAL ADDRESS where you can send your Solstice correspondence.
c/o The Solstice Dispatch Service
11397 County Rd. 3,
Inkerman, ON, K0E 1J0
Pull out your writing papers, dust off your quills, and write your letters. We read every letter than comes in, we ensure that all the proper deities are revitalized with your good solstice energy, and we do our best to reply as quickly as we can.
Happy Solstice to you all! Remember to wash your hands, wear your masks, get vaccinated as soon as you can, and do you your best to keep everyone safe. We will all get through this challenge together.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Solstice Dispatches 2020: Pandemic Edition
He hummed quietly to himself as the lather grew between his palms, rubbing them together vigorously. The water was crisp and cold, but refreshing as he rinsed them clean. With a quick check in the mirror for any straw hairs, he smoothed his greying locks back and adjusted his holly crown.
The days were growing shorter again, which meant that the time of transition was at hand. He was ready for his rest, ready to allow his brother of oak and leaf to take charge once again as the wheel continued to turn.
The cloth mask felt soft and comfortable, but still foreign. The Holly King slipped the loops behind his ears and adjusted the mask to cover his nose and mouth, although he knew it looked a little ridiculous with his long white beard. He quietly made his way to his worn oak chair, pausing only to toss another log upon the sputtering fire.
The log quickly hissed and crackled, rousing the other man from his slumber. Groggily, he sat up and straightened his vest. "I must have dozed off there, apologies," he rumbled. Upon seeing his brother settling down in his seat, he snickered. "You know, we are magical beings and do not suffer from the ailments of mortal people. You look ridiculous in that mask."
"We are in service to those people," the Holly King answered good naturedly. "As they suffer in these pandemic times, the least we can do is be mildly inconvenienced in solidarity."
"As always, you are wise in your way my brother," the Oak King reached for his own face covering and hooked it on. "Speaking of the people, I look forward to getting their correspondence this year. I need a bright spot in all this darkness."
The Holly King stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I'm not sure we can do that this year. The restrictive nature of the world has had reverberations in our own magical world. The Postal Elves tell me that the mail service has conked out."
"What? How is that possible?"
"All things are possible in this new world, my brother. Did you really think that we would be completely unaffected by the strife that stretches across the mortal plane?"
"Quite frankly, yes I did. There are been wars, strife, natural disasters, and yet the Wheel continues to turn and the days will grow long again. I have begun to believe that the soothing power of the written word was also above such change."
"It is, truly. The power of putting pen to paper and transforming thought, desire, and one's will into the material plane continues to hold great power, but I just don't know how we are going to receive these magical manifestations."
The Holly King rose and leaned on the fireplace, allowing the heat to pour over him. The two men brooded in a silence that was so deep and cavernous that they had not noticed the diminutive elf standing between them until he sneezed.
"Odin's Beard!" the Oak King cried out. "Where did you come from?"
"The universe," squeaked the elf. "But more recently, the kitchen. Would you like a bite?" The elf stuck his arm out, proffering a peanut butter sandwich with a distinct, elf-sized bite out of it.
"Kind of you, but no," growled the Holly King, adjusting his lop-sided crown of berries. "What brings you to our fire?"
"Well, I was wondering... that is, we, the Postal Elves, were wondering, hang on..." the Postal Elf took another couple of bites from the sandwich, savoring the peanut buttery goodness. "Mmmmm... there's nothing quite like a good sandwich on a winter's night, doncha think? It really makes me nostal--"
"Out with it, you tiny bundle of Postage Stamps!" barked the Oak King.
"Right!" the elf straightened up and adjusted his hat, trying to look more official. "It's just that we were wondering if you'll be receiving Solstice letters this year? We know that the humans are fearful and feeling isolated, so maybe the letters might make them feel more connected?"
"We want to do it... what's your name?" asked the Holly King softly.
"Buttons," replied the elf.
"Buttons," nodded the Oak King. "I remember you. Aren't you the elf who started that pasta incident last Thanksgiving?"
"With all due respect, your Majesty," the elf replied, staring at his feet. "We do not discuss the Noodle Incident. Union rules."
"Quite right, I had forgotten." the Oak King leaned back in his chair, a twinkle in his eyes. "The problem is that the Mystic Mail Service is inoperative and we don't think we can get it running in time."
"We know," nodded Buttons sadly. "But we have a suggestion. We know it's not ideal, but being creatively compromystic, we have a solution."
"Compromystic? Is that even a real word?" laughed the Holly King.
"Don't interrupt him!" said the Oak King, leaning forward. "What's your idea?"
"We could use the Internet! The people could email their letters to us!"
"Bah! No! That has never been our way." growled the Holly King. "The mystic power of the written word requires that the letters be hand-written. There is an exchange of will, intention, and power when pen is applied to paper. The clickety-clack of keys disconnects the humans from the energy-expression."
The three beings sat there in silence with only the crackle of the fire to comfort them. Then the elf spoke up to say "What they if they took a picture of their letters?"
"Wait... what?" the Holly King sat up and stared at the elf, as if seeing him for the first time.
"Yes... yes that could work!" the Oak King breathed. "The people can still write the letters by hand, sending their energy and intentions into the universe, but we'll be able to read them if they send us the pictures of their letters by email! It's brilliant!"
"I hate staring at the screens," complained the Holly King. "I don't like it."
"We can print the letters once they send them to us," the elf piped in. "You'd never have to look at a single pixel."
"Pixel? Isn't that your sister?"
"No you Holly-ness... My sister's name is Tinsel."
"Close enough," grinned the Holly King. "Alright, I can live with that. Let's give this a try."
And with that decision, the room was instantly filled with the hopeful eyes of dozens of Postal Elves, all staring in anticipation at the royal brethren. "Is it time?" grinned Buttons.
"It is time." laughed the Solstice Kings and the roomed erupted in cheers and joyous laughter.
The Solstice Kings are once again offering their Solstice Dispatch Service for the 2020-2021 season. However, this year to reduce the risks that come with the pandemic, we will be switching to a more digital Solstice Service.
However, YOU STILL NEED TO HAND-WRITE YOUR LETTERS. Pull out your writing papers, dust off your quills, and write your letters. When you're ready to send them to the Solstice Kings, you can either scan the letters or take pictures of each page and send them to our Digital Mailbox.
Please send your electronic copies of your hand-written letters to
Happy Solstice to you all and remember to keep washing your hands, wear your masks, and keep everyone safe. We will all get through this challenge together.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Post Holiday Solstice Mail

The first wave of mail has been responded to, but the Postal Elves are beside themselves to see that a second, post-Solstice mail has arrived!
The Oak King will be reading and responding to this second batch of mail in the coming days. If you have not written to the Solstice Kings yet, please do so! We're waiting to hear from you!
Some of you may have also received unexpected mail from the Oak King. We hope that these gifts find you well.
Friday, January 3, 2020
First batch of letters for 2020
Remember that it's not too late and you can still send your letters to the Oak King! If you want to address the Holly King, you can do that too: the Postal Elves slip his letter under his pillow when they think he's not looking (he's a light sleeper).
Thursday, December 5, 2019
So... What do I write about?
A few people have been asking: "What do I write about?" Writing to the Solstice Kings isn't quite like writing to Santa Claus. Santa's operation centers more around gifts and reindeer, and while we have great respect for their many successful years of operation, the Solstice Kings just don't have that kind of budget.
Instead, we invite you to reflect on your year and dream about your future. What are you thankful for? What lessons have you learned? What are your dreams and goals moving forward? Over the past few years, people have shared their joys involving family, work, love, projects, adventures, etc. But they have also written about disappointments, heartbreak, and tragedy, so the act of writing is part of their healing journey.
Share these hopes and dreams, joys and sorrows with the Solstice Kings, knowing that they will be read and acknowledged, but also that just by writing them down, this is a magical act of actualization.
In our keyboard-driven world, writing by hand is becoming a lost art. But there is something magical about putting pen to paper and giving form and physicality to your thoughts. The process of writing forces you to really think about your hopes and dreams, and the act of writing is the first stage to making them happen.
Happy Winter Solstice!